Differentiating Arteriolosclerotic Ulcers of Martorell from Other Types of Leg Ulcers Based on Vascular Histomorphology
Martorell Hypertensive Ischemic Leg Ulcer
Comparison of pyoderma gangrenosum and Martorell hypertensive ischaemk leg ulcer in a Swiss cohort
Life-Threatening or Organ-Impairing Henoch-Schönlein Purpura: Plasmapheresis May Save Lives and Limit Organ Damage
Calciphylaxis and Martorell Hypertensive Ischemic Leg Ulcer: Same Pattern - One Pathophysiology
EpiDex® Swiss Field Trial 2004-2008
Buffcrcd lidocaine 1%/cpincphrinc 1:100,000 witli sodium bicarbonatc (sodium hydrogcn carbonatc) in a 3:1 ratio is less painful than a 9:1 ratio: A double-blind, randomizcd, placcbo-controllcd, crossovcr trial
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Donning Devices (Foot Slips and Frames) Enable Elderly People with Severe Chronic Venous Insufficiency to put on Compression Stockings
Compression Stocking With 100% Donning and Doffing Success: An Open Label Randomised Controlled Trial
A Compression Kit of a Stocking and Three Superimposed Leggings Is Easy to Don and Dose Adjustable
Response to Painless Anesthesia
Pit fall: Pemphigus herpeticatus should not he confounded with resistant pemphigus vulgaris
Split skin graft "from scalp to scalp" for repairing large surgical defects
Rekonstruktion der Augenbrauenregion nach Tumorchirurgie:Kombiniertes nacktes und haartragen des Vollhauttransplantat von retroaurikulär der kontralateralen Seite
Gilomen et al Successful control of MRSA outbreak
Response to cost analysis of buffered LA
Retroauricular pedicled flap for reconstruction of large helix and antihelix defects
Localization mapping of arte rio lose le rotic ulcers of Martorell iising two dimensional oomputational rendering reveals a p re dominant location on ihe mi dl ater al lower leg
Micro structur al comparative analysis of calcification patterns in calciphylaxis versus arteriolosclerotic ulcer of Martorell
Evidence that venous hypertension causes stasis dermatitis
Management of chronic ulcers: punch grafting
Ulcus hypertonicum Martorell